
So What Is Money… Really

Plutocrat must be separable
plutocrat must have natural value
What question were Aristotle’s rates the answer to? The question’ what makes good vs not so good plutocrat’. This question is unnaturally different from’ what is plutocrat’. still, we assume that we formerly know what plutocrat is, and what plutocrat is not, If we ask what plutocrat is better not so good. a big supposition.
During recorded history, numerous effects played the part of’ plutocrat'( substantially store of value and medium of exchange); cattle( pecus. Roman origin of financial) swab( origin of payment) cowry shells, cacao sap, indeed cigarettes in POW camps during WWII. and of course Gold and Silver through the periods.
But before allowing about what’s better plutocrat, we need to decide what’s plutocrat. bad or good. and what isn’t plutocrat. One way to understand this contradiction is to study history; the history of plutocrat. and the history of realvs. fake plutocrat.
Notice that cattle, swab, cowry shells, cacao sap, cigarettes, financial essenceetc. are each some kind of’ stuff’. that’s they’re real particulars. Not a single’ pledge’ or’ IOU’ in the bunch. On the other hand, paper’ plutocrat'( bank notes) is nothing but a pledge. of commodity.
To make this clear, let’s simplify; consider a pound of sugar as the’ stuff’. and an’ IOU a pound of sugar’ as the pledge. I adopt a pound of sugar from you, and give you an IOU for’ one pound of sugar’; also the difference becomes egregious; the’ stuff'( pound of sugar). and the pledge. the paper IOU.

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